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These golden parcels are stuffed with spicy beef filling and delicious, mild, and buttery swede. Swede can be swapped into recipes where you would use potatoes, like mash or gratin. See method
of the reference intake Carbohydrate 53.1g Protein 24.8g Fibre 2.6g
Heat the oil in a large, lidded saucepan over a medium heat. Add the beef and onions, cook for 5 mins, then stir in the garlic, ginger, chilli, turmeric and lemongrass. Cook for 3-4 mins until fragrant, adding a splash of water if it sticks.
Stir in the four, then add the coconut milk and coconut water and bring to a simmer. Cover and cook over a low heat for 1 hr, stirring occasionally.
Stir in the lime leaves, swede and tamarind and continue cooking for 20 mins. Uncover and cook for 15 mins more until the swede is soft and the sauce has thickened. Season to taste with soy sauce, remove from the heat and leave to cool. Pick out and discard the lime leaves and lemongrass.
Preheat the oven to gas 6, 200°C, fan 180°C. Roll out the pastry to 2-3mm thick and cut out 8 x 17cm circles, re-rolling the scraps as needed. Spoon the cooled filling into the centre of each, then fold the pastry over and crimp to seal. Make a small hole in the top of each pie and brush with beaten egg.
Transfer to 2 lined baking trays and bake for 20-25 mins until golden. Serve with lime wedges and chilli sauce, if you like.
Freezing and defrosting guidelines
Freeze filling only. In order to enjoy optimum flavour and quality, frozen items are best used within 3 months of their freezing date. For more tips on freezing and defrosting food, read our article Love Your Freezer.
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